Rule : If a businessman marks his goods at x % above his cost prie and allowed purchasers a discount of y % for cash, then % proft or % loss according to + ve or - ve sign is will be

Ex. A grocer allows a discount of 8 % . How much % above cost price he must mark his goods to make a profit of 12 % ?
Solution :

Rule : Goods Passing through successive hands :- If A sells a good to B at profit of x %, B sells it to C at a profit of y %. If P Rs. is paid by C then what was the cost price for A?

Ex. If A sells a good to B at profit of 15 %, B sells it to C at a profit of 20 %. If 300 Rs. is paid by C then what was the cost price for A?

Rule : If A takes a profit of x % by selling it to B and B takes a profit of y % by selling it to C then the resultant profit percentage is given by -

Rule : If A takes a profit of x % by selling it to B and B takes a loss of y % by selling it to C then the resultant profit percentage is given by -

Ex. If A sells a good to B at profit of 15 %, B sells it to C at a profit of 20 %. What is the resultant profit and loss ?

Ex. By selling a shirt at price 500 a trader get loss of 10 %. At what price he must sell the shirt in order to get 5 % of profit ?
Solution : Use the formula of Goods Passing through successive hands, here for loss x will be -10 %

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